Don’t Overlook Couriers’ Vital Impact on Food Distribution Dallas

Eagle Express, Food Distribution Dallas

If one thing is universally accepted about 2020, it’s this: everything has changed.


The impact of COVID-19 was felt on every industry, and still is. Our couriers certainly have faced changes- including a changeup in our usual routes, a difference in items packaged for delivery, and increased sanitization efforts. We’ve also noticed a big change in one of the industries we serve- the food industry.


The food distribution Dallas utilizes has been greatly impacted by the Coronavirus, but we’re not concerned. Because as impactful as the virus has been on the food distribution Dallas thought as commonplace, our couriers have made a great impact, as well, in supporting the restaurants, distributors, caterers, and other members of the food industry.


Here are just a few positive impacts the Eagle Express couriers have had on the Dallas food distribution industry:


Emergency Food Transportation- Food distributors prefer to schedule deliveries. Of course, so do we. This ensures a timely, stress free delivery. But COVID changed all that. Now, restaurants, food suppliers, and caterers had immediate delivery needs. Whether it was to transport fresh food to a new location or move their oversupply to long term storage, food industry clients in Dallas needed immediate transportation. Eagle Express provided.


Our couriers are on call 24/7, even during the pandemic. We’re available for dry and refrigerated deliveries, anytime of day or night. Over the last several months, and for the months to follow, Dallas courier Eagle Express will be there to make emergency food transportation in DFW and throughout the country.


Restaurant Supply- The state of Texas closed restaurants in the middle of March. At that point, many restaurants were scrambling to move their fresh foods to other places. Whether it was to a different location or to food banks like our friends at the North Texas Food Bank, couriers were there making refrigerated deliveries and dry deliveries.


Now that restaurants in Texas have been given the green light to reopen if they follow social distancing protocol, restaurants will need a trusted courier for their food distribution in Dallas and the surrounding Metroplex. Eagle Express offers many different options from urgent, one time deliveries to daily routes with multiple stops. Keeping restaurants supplied with fresh and frozen foods is a task Eagle Express takes seriously.


Truckload and Less Than Truckload Shipping- Remember when it was hard to buy toilet paper? A courier like Eagle Express helped solve that shortage. With truckload and even less than truckload shipping options, couriers with vehicles like straight trucks, box trucks, and flatbeds can transport dozens of pallets of products, ranging from restaurant linens to fresh baked bread. With dry and refrigerated shipping options, couriers will continue to support your local grocery stores, markets, and restaurants with large truckloads of shipments.


Out of Town Delivery- As some states felt a huge backlash from COVID-19, others seemed to carry on without much change. That’s when food distribution required trucks to transport food and supplies to places that needed it, no matter how far away. Thanks to truckers, DFW could spread the love! To other small cities in the Metroplex or even out of state. Couriers that offer long distance dedicated deliveries can move time and temperature sensitive food items quickly, without the need for consolidation and definitely without any handoffs.


The “normal” food distribution Dallas was used to went out the door with COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean failure. Restaurants shifted their focus, food banks stepped up their services, and farmers continued to push out fresh foods to customers- and food couriers helped.


During the pandemic, and for long after, Eagle Express is committed to 24/7 operations to assist DFW in food distribution. We’re here to help keep store shelves stocked and tables full. We even offer FDA certified storage for your food and medications that need a little downtime before being sent to customers.


See what a great impact Eagle Express can have on your business. Just reach out to us. Contact us for a free quote or call us anytime at 214-351-5777. 


Whatever You Do, Don’t Ship Artwork in DFW On Your Own


This is the Courier Service Dallas Need During a Pandemic